Sunday, 15 June 2008

Fathers Day family trip

Fathers Day Boat Trip

(Right) "Who Pressed that Button?"

Sunday June 15th 2008
Everybody slept very well in the house and boat and we all took turns through the Heronshaw bathroom as I dispensed hot drinks and then made the breakfast. We first served the children with cereal and toast in the kitchen/diner and then distracted them with TV again as the adults ate. It was a splendid breakfast of cereals and toast again and everybody was satisfied. I then opened my nice cards and presents which included some butter fudge and tickets to the NCFC vs Spurs football friendly at Carrow Road. Once we had all got prepared, I took them all on a boat trip on Lady Martina, first going upstream to look around Blackhorse Broad and then on to Salhouse to buy ices from the Ice Cream Boat; and then downstream to moor up at the Ferry Inn, where I treated everyone to lunch at the buffet there. It had been very nice going on that boat trip in this way and everybody enjoyed it immensely.

(left) Daniel and James relaxing

By mid-afternoon, Debbie and Della had to get off to their partners and Daniel drove Julie and the children off home.

Grandson James at home on
"Lady Martina" see http://www.ladymartinacom/

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

South Dock to Horning

This was a truly successful day and a wonderful achievement to be starting out in a London Dock and then finishing off by arriving at Horning, right next to my house without stopping or being delayed at any point. Della was a great help as my crew so that it was a good team effort. Despite the very early start and late finish, she enjoyed the experience immensely and did not mind getting up so early but then took the opportunity to have naps en route to get some sleep. I managed quite well, but was obviously very tired at the end having not had any rest at all for I had to stay vigilant throughout in view of the inexperience of my crew. The weather was raining off and on all day but light drizzle such that there was hardly any wind and the sea was from slight to glass-like with smooth being the norm. I got us locked out at 3.30am and dawn was delayed in the gloom but, though dark to start with and misty at times, visibility was never an issue and the boat ran well. There was vibration, which made cruising above ten knots impossible, but we were early enough and had a good plan and feedback on progress to know how fast to go to arrive at Great Yarmouth on time and I was actually able to slow down as we approached Lowestoft to save fuel and wear and tear. I even called them to say that we could make the Haven Bridge for 4.00pm, so they could bring the time forward t then if it suited. They then referred to the bridge lift on the VHF as the 4.00pm/4.15pm opening and managed to organise communications with the other vessels accordingly.

When cruising through the Harbour, I got Della to take the helm whilst I got the covers down and removed the flag staff and winch and then, once through the Haven bridge, I lowered the mast with all of its mounted equipment and adjusted the pulpit height gauge for windscreen level and headed for the Bure bridges.

It was a very low Spring tide low water and so I could easily get under the bridges but my main worry throughout was the depth of water under the bridges. With the ebb tide still fully running, I edged against it and could maintain very good way and control of the vessel and we emerged unscathed and ready to cruise up the Bure. By this time it was raining again and so, having got as much of the stuff off of the bridge and inside as possible, I stayed up there and let Della go inside as I cruised up to Acle. On this journey, depth was a continuous issue but we did not ground at all, even though just 1.3m showed on the one working echo sounder from time to time. I stopped at the defunct shop moorings just upstream of the Acle Bridge and moored up so that Della could help me put the bridge back together. I then cruised steadily up the Bure as we watched a film on the DVD. Ropes Hill Dyke was quite shallow and silty at the entrance past the sailing club as the water level was rather low but I managed to carry on without grounding and found my own dyke of sufficient depth to allow me into it bow first. By this time, it was 8.30pm and Della would have liked to be driven home, but I persuaded her to just collapse into bed and stay the night for rest and recuperation and this we did. I also had to put the boat to bed and we just had the Range Rover to hand and I was too tired to drive safely anyway. This ended an eventful and productive day and now I had the boat at home and need not keep travelling to it any more.